Hlavní nabídka:
Uživatelé Googlu, čas na změnu heslel. Odněkud byla ukradena hesla v čitelné podobě uživatelů Googlu mail. Více zde. Mirror seznamu uživatelů zde.
A protože Google věří, že se jedná nikoliv o hesla GoogleAccount, ale o související služby třetích stran (např. Facebook, Feedly,...), doporučuje se změnit hesla všude, kde figuruje email od Googlu. Pěkné:
“We believe the data doesn’t originate from Google directly,” Kruse said via email. “Instead it’s likely it comes from various sources that have been compromised.”
This means that many of the leaked passwords do not correspond to Gmail or Google accounts, but to accounts on other sites where users have used their Gmail addresses as the user name.
CSIS has confirmation that at least five of the leaked user name and password pairs were never used as log-in credentials for Gmail or Google accounts. This enforces the idea that the data comes from compromises outside Google, though it’s possible that they were all perpetrated by a single individual or group, Kruse said.